From Emily Fletcher, Creator of The Ziva Technique, Who’s Taught at Apple, Google and Harvard
From Emily Fletcher, Creator of The Ziva Technique, Who’s Taught at Apple, Google, and Harvard

Try 3 zivaONLINE lessons for free

Test drive our flagship meditation training for less stress & more joy.

Taught at and featured by

I've tried to adopt a daily meditation for practice for years, but it was Emily's transmission that finally got me to stick with it. After I was initiated by Emily, I finally developed my own Ziva practice. That was almost a year ago and now I meditate every day.

Layla Martin

Sacred Sexuality & Tantra Expert

Emily has done the work of healing herself and now holds the healing codes for the whole planet. I’ve almost never seen someone as embodied as she is. Her level of mastery in both meditation and sacred sexuality is helping bring powerful medicine the world needs right now.

Aubrey Marcus

NYT Bestselling Author, Host of the Aubrey Marcus Podcast

Since working with Emily, I am better equipped to handle things that would’ve had me spiraling into stress in the past. Now, I’m more grounded and am in such a state of flow. My old perfectionism is falling away and making space for the real me to shine. She is spiritual balm for my soul.

Vylana Marcus

Artist, Sound Alchemist, Medicine Woman

Emily is a deep scholar of meditation. She makes learning it incredibly playful, fun, and entertaining. Ziva is anything but boring, and it very well may change your life.

Andrew Huberman, PhD

Neuroscientist, Stanford University, Host of Huberman Lab Podcast

Take zivaONLINE for a test drive

zivaONLINE is our most loved training in The Ziva Technique
In it, you learn to practice the 3 M's: mindfulness, meditation and manifesting. And in this preview of zivaONLINE, you'll get the first 3 lessons of the course free. Dive deep into mindfulness and get a sneak peek in to the magic of meditation.

What you'll learn in lessons 1-3...

How to harness mindfulness for effectively handling your stress at any moment. In this exclusive look into zivaONLINE, you’ll learn two essential mindfulness tools you can use anytime, anywhere. This first M of The Ziva Technique is a calming runway from your 100 mph life into the deep, healing rest you’ll experience once you start learning meditation in lesson 4.

Highlights include:

What the Ziva Technique is & how The 3 M’s benefit your brain and body

How meditation gives you rest 5x deeper than sleep

Enjoy a guided audio for deep sleep (one of four that you'll get in zivaONLINE)

How you can meditate anywhere, anytime - no gongs, mala beads or sounds bowls needed

What mindfulness is and how it can change your brain

Discover the 4th State of Consciousness (different than waking, sleeping, dreaming)

The difference between mindfulness and meditation

Meet Your Teacher

Emily is the founder of Ziva and has taught over 50,000 people. Her best-selling book, Stress Less, Accomplish More, debuted at #7 out of all books on Amazon and has been translated into 12 languages.

Her work has been featured by The New York Times, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Vogue and ABC. She’s been named one of the top 100 women in wellness to watch and has taught at Apple, Google and Harvard Business School.

A formerly stressed Broadway performer who was going gray at 27, Emily discovered a powerful practice that cured her insomnia and improved her health on the first day. Her transformation was so dramatic that she felt inspired to share it with others.

It’s Emily’s mission to help as many people as possible achieve extraordinary benefits -- like dramatically reduced stress, anxiety relief and deep, restful sleep.

Nothing stuck until I took zivaONLINE. I love the science behind it, and its simplicity and approach work. I cannot imagine life without it. It’s the best thing you’ll ever do for yourself!

Bettina Kenney


Ziva was a huge part of my mental and spiritual training camp. I’m so much happier now than I used to be. Emily played a huge part in making that happen. It’s been awesome.

Larry Sanders

Former NBA Player

Ziva is like a bubble bath for your brain. Emily is taking the meditation world by storm with her non-woo-woo, totally relatable approach that folks (like me!) find refreshing.

Vicki Rox

Travel Blogger/ Storyteller

I feel more grounded and I’m achieving more than I was before Ziva. If not now then when? And if not Ziva then what other form? An app isn’t going to work as well.

Tony Verutti

Head of Global Partnerships

"I am growing two businesses since starting Ziva. I’m a lot smarter and more capable than I give myself credit for. It took Ziva to remember that."

Sophia Parra
CEO at Coach Social

“Before taking the Ziva course, I thought this practice would be hard work. Now I see that it’s easy and life-changing. I feel calmer and I sleep through the night."

John Dulanie
Retired Police Officer

I used a mindfulness app for years but felt I needed to go deeper. I've had more life-changing breakthroughs since starting zivaONLINE 1 month ago than I ever did with apps.

Tara B.

“I couldn’t find a practice that rewarded me enough to really stick with it until Ziva. My life has transformed and Ziva is the reason why. It works, y'all. No way around it.”

Sarah Yourgrau
Host & On-Camera Producer

Since Ziva, people have said that I look five years younger. My decision making has become much clearer, I’m sleeping better, and I’m drinking less caffeine and alcohol."

Frank Tran

"Ziva has become a staple of my routine when I didn’t think I had space for one more thing. It’s been a source of strength in the most difficult crisis I’ve faced in my career."

Nicole Fox
Physician Assistant

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